21st of September Pilot Pflanzenöltechnologie Magdeburg e.V. ( PPM ) organized the INSECTA® 2015 the 1st National Symposium on insects in food and feed in Magdeburg. Scientists, politicians and the industry met to discuss advantages, prospects and obstacles for the use of insects.

120 participants from German-speaking countries, but also from the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and even from Kenya and South Africa, have shown that the issue is highly topical and undergoes international popularity. There is a great need for information, research and regulatory.

A total of 19 lectures were presented by national and international speakers including Professor Arnold van Huis of the FAO and Dr. Wolfgang Trunk of the EU Commission.

Since several years, PPM has been working on the development of methods for the production of new protein-rich feed and food on the basis of grasshopper or fly larvae. Looking for more information and other partners in the field, PPM simply decided to initiate a meeting dedicated to insects -with great success.


Conference photos