
May 14, 2024: ILB-Potsdam
[Babelsberger Straße 21, 14473 Potsdam, Germany]          

03:00 pm
04:15 pm

04:30 pm

05:10 pm

05:50 – 06:50 pm
06:50 – 07:00 pm

07:00 – 09:00 pm

Welcome – Opening remark

Keynote 1 – Andreas Vilcinskas
(Justus Liebig University of Giessen – Germany)
Keynote 2 – Gertje Peterson
(LAVES – Germany)
Company presentation session
Organisational information


May 15, 2024: ATB-Potsdam
[Max-Eyth-Allee 100, 14469 Potsdam, Germany]            

07:30 am
07:30 am
08:00 am

08:30 am

09:10 am

09:40 -10:00 am

10:00 – 11:20 am
11:20 – 11:40 am
11:40 – 01:20 pm

01:20 – 02:20 pm

02:20 – 04:00 pm

04:00 – 04:20 pm

04:20 – 05:40 pm
06:00 – 06:30 pm

07:00 – 10:00 pm

Bus shuttle from Potsdam main station to ATB
Bus shuttle from Potsdam Luisenplatz to ATB

Keynote 3 – Sergiy Smetana
(DIL e.V. – Germany)
Informal greeting – Thomas Schneider (BMEL)

Coffee break + poster session

Parallel sessions
Coffee break + poster session
Parallel sessions

Lunch break + post session + company demonstration

Parallel sessions

Coffee break + poster

Parallel sessions
Bus shuttles from ATB to conference dinner

Boat tour + conference dinner

May 16, 2024: ATB-Potsdam
[Max-Eyth-Allee 100, 14469 Potsdam, Germany]              

07:30 am
07:30 am
08:00 am

08:30 am

09:10 – 10:10 am

10:10 – 10:30 am

10:30 – 11:50 am

11:50 – 12:50 pm

12:50 – 02:10 pm
02:10 – 02:40 pm

02:40 – 03:00 pm

03:00 pm
03:00 pm

03:00 – 04:00 pm
03:30 – 06:00 pm

04:30 pm
04:30 pm

Bus shuttle from Potsdam main station to ATB
Bus shuttle from Potsdam Luisenplatz to ATB

Keynote 4 – Laura Gasco
(University of Turin, Italy)
Workshop: “Presentation of Cipromed and Advagromed projects”

Coffee break + poster session

Parallel sessions

Finger food + poster session

Parallel sessions
Closing remarks (Poster award ceremony, anouncements)
Coffee break and poster removal

Bus shuttle from ATB to Potsdam main station
Bus shuttle from ATB to Potsdam Luisenplatz

ATB tour (optional)
Insect-IMP cost action meeting (optional)

Bus shuttle from ATB to Potsdam main station
Bus shuttle from ATB to Potsdam Luisenplatz

Check out our more detailed program for the individual days:
Program Day 1, May 14
Program Day 2, May 15
Program Day 3, May 16